1. Turn your thoughts to Him, wherever you are, whatever you’re doing
Are you washing dishes, folding laundry, cleaning out the garage, trimming bushes in the yard, walking around the shops? Take a moment to turn your mind in God’s direction. Say a few words to Him, silently or out loud. Listen for His response. Take the time during the busy everyday moments to focus on Him.
2. Thank Him
Pause in your daily life and look around. What do you see that makes you glad to be alive and think of what an amazing God you have? Thank Him for those tiny, precious moments in your full day. Anything that lifts your heart or lightens your load of worries can be a perfect time to whisper a word of thanks to God who made life possible.
3. Write it down
Keep a notebook, large or small, portable or tucked away in a desk drawer, and write down anything you experience during the day that draws you closer to God. Write down your moments of hope or gratitude, moments when you see His hand at work in your life, those moments when you sense His loving care as He watches over you. Write them down so you don’t forget them by day’s end.
4. Keep His Word nearby
Do you have a favourite Bible verse that brings you peace and encouragement? Print it out on a note card and carry it with you wherever you go. Pin it on your bulletin board or prop it on your desk at work. Carry it in your pocket. Keep it in the glove compartment of your car. Read it when you need a lift. And write or print a new one every few days. Take a minute now and then to read your card out loud, meditating on what it means to you, and pray that God’s Word will take root in your heart.
5. Share it
Tell someone about your walk with God or about something He’s done for you. Quote a special Bible verse to a friend. Tell someone what God means to you, why He’s so important to you, how you feel His love and experience His caring presence. Send a text message or email to someone about how incredible God is and how glad you are that He is at the centre of your life.
6. Begin and end the day
Begin each day with prayer, praising and worshipping God for it, before your feet even touch the floor in the morning. Talk to God the moment you wake up, before business and worries crowd your mind. Turn over your day to Him before it even begins. Tell Him you’ll trust the entire day to His guidance. Do the same thing at day’s end. Finish with praise, prayer and gratitude. Turn over your fears and worries. Let go of your anxieties for the next day. Release your stresses and tensions to Him. Listen for what He has to say to you at day’s beginning and at day’s end.
Let His presence bracket every day, and see what a difference that can make in your life!